A prevention program


Power for Peace Balken
CHANGE! - A prevention program
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Ideologically motivated crimes and acts of violence are frequently rooted in xenophobia or racism. An aggressive, nationalistic ideology promotes violence as an option, as can be seen in various forums – particularly on the Internet. These, in turn, capitalize on an existing propensity for violence.

In view of this problem, it is important to engage youths and young adults who might be at risk. It is not enough to just talk about overcoming violence, xenophobia or antisocial behavior. Prevention presupposes considering each individual’s real-life experience in a positive way, analyzing the emotions that are at the bottom of both attitudes and actions. It is then possible to develop a practical approach to action.

The training programs proceed step by step so that lessons learned can be implemented in everyday life. At the same time, we do not place all of our eggs in one basket because new insights may arise that allow for resolutions to conflicts.

Once young people recognize their own positive energy, once they start making their own decisions, they realize what they are capable of. They gain confidence and self-esteem – the basis for a positive lifestyle.

The modular program takes up a variety of conflict situations and emotions based on participants’ own experiences. The abilitiy to reflect, the acquisition of knowledge, and the practicality of conflict resolution strategies form the core of the program. Participants thus recognize their issues and the dynamics of various conflict cycles. They are able to analyze and reflect their issues and take responsibility for a positive change in their lives.

The learning process enables boys and young men to think critically and to judge accordingly. They become masters of their life path.

The program is based on the findings of social and developmental psychology, criminology and pedagogical reform.
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The German Ministry of Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, plus Lichterkette e.V. Munich have promoted CHANGE! as part of the federal government’s “VIELFALT TUT GUT. Jugend für Vielfalt, Toleranz und Demokratie” (“DIVERSITY FEELS GOOD. Young People for Diversity, Tolerance and Democracy”) program.
The Program at a Glance

The training program consists of four workbooks, one skills portfolio, and a teacher’s book. Major topics are:
Power for Peace Kursbuch 1 Wir sind mehr
„WIR sind mehr – Gruppe(n) und Gruppenverhalten“
Power for Peace Kursbuch 2 Vielfalt ist bunt
„Vielfalt ist bunt! Leben und Arbeiten in Vielfalt“
Power for Peace Kursbuch 3 Veränderung tut gut
„Verändern tut gut – Gefühle verstehen“
Power for Peace Kursbuch 4 Ich gehe meine Weg
„Ich gehe meinen Weg – Mit Kraft und Mut verändern“
Power for Peace Kompetenz-Portfolio

Das Kompetenz-Portfolio ist eine Sammlung von Informationen, Lernvorhaben, Arbeitsergebnissen und Leistungsnachweisen. Die eigene Lebens- und Lernlaufbahn kann damit besser geplant, eingeschätzt und dokumentiert werden.

Aus dem Inhalt:
  • Geistige Werkzeuge zum Lernen und Arbeiten
  • Mein Lernweg
  • Meine Lernbiografie
  • Lern-Archiv

The group explores resources to come up with alternative solutions.
Participants learn about the context of conflict, find the reasons for hostile-aggressive or destructive-depressive behavior and weigh constructive solutions.
The program offers a variety of methods which can be tailored to the individual life experience of the participant
Length of each module:
Length of each program:
Number of participants:
For ages:
Training goals:

up to 25 teaching hours
up to 100 teaching units
12 to 15
14 to approx. 30
teachers, social workers, program graduates
Reduce violent, xenophobic attitudes
Create protective factors (social and emotional skills)
Foster personal development and guidance
Schools, juvenile detention centers, youth centers, (sports) clubs, youth psychiatric services.
Information and Downloads

   Handlungskonzept gegen Rechtsextremismus vom Bay. Staatsministerium des Innern (siehe S. 34: V. Maßnahmen im Jugendstrafrecht und Jugendstrafvollzug - 4. Ausweitung des Modellprojekts CHANGE)

   Auszüge aus den Programmmaterialien
- Arbeitsbuch: Wir sind mehr (Kapitel 1)
- Arbeitsbuch: Vielfalt ist bunt (Kapitel 2)
- Arbeitsbuch: Verändern tut gut (Kapitel 4)
- Kompetenz-Portfolio: Kapitel 1

   CHANGE! Flyer new 2018
   Imagefolder new 2018
Power for Peace Change Flyer 2018

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You can leaf through our textbook "Vielfalt ist bunt! - Leben und Arbeiten in Vielfalt" here.


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About us

We provide social-skills training for youths and young adults. We also offer continuing education for teachers and parents.


Power for Peace helps children, teenagers and young adults get away from negative stress and conflict situations. The goal is to empower them to (re)gain control over their own life.


Recognized as a non-affiliated promoter of youth welfare.

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